Hello list,

if I start the following command in a tmux window it doesn't work.

bitbake -c menuconfig linux-fslc

if I start this command in a extra gnome-terminal a new gnome-terminal
pops-up and I can configure my kernel related stuff.

in the poky /os-poky/meta/lib/oe/terminal.py there is some code that
indicate that it could be possible that a new tmux-pane should open here.

Some clue why bitbake does not open an extra tmux-pane for me?

I'am using yocto jethro 2.0.2.

Best Regards,


NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
ERROR: Error executing a python function in 

The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
File: 'do_menuconfig', lineno: 25, function: <module>
     0021:            bb.note("Configuration changed, recompile will be forced")
     0022:            bb.build.write_taint('do_compile', d)
 *** 0025:do_menuconfig(d)
File: 'do_menuconfig', lineno: 11, function: do_menuconfig
     0007:        shutil.copy(".config", ".config.orig")
     0008:    except OSError:
     0009:        mtime = 0
 *** 0011:    oe_terminal("/bin/bash -c \"make menuconfig; if [ \$? -ne 0 ]; 
then echo 'Command failed.'; printf 'Press any key to continue... '; read r; 
fi\"", 'linux-fslc Configuration', d)
     0013:    # FIXME this check can be removed when the minimum bitbake 
version has been bumped
     0014:    if hasattr(bb.build, 'write_taint'):
     0015:        try:
File: 'terminal.bbclass', lineno: 55, function: oe_terminal
     0051:        except oe.terminal.ExecutionError as exc:
     0052:            bb.fatal('Unable to spawn terminal %s: %s' % (terminal, 
     0054:    try:
 *** 0055:        oe.terminal.spawn_preferred(command, title, None, d)
     0056:    except oe.terminal.NoSupportedTerminals:
     0057:        bb.fatal('No valid terminal found, unable to open devshell')
     0058:    except oe.terminal.ExecutionError as exc:
     0059:        bb.fatal('Unable to spawn terminal %s: %s' % (terminal, exc))
File: '/home/graute/5411_IBIS/yocto/os-poky/meta/lib/oe/terminal.py', lineno: 
199, function: spawn_preferred
     0195:def spawn_preferred(sh_cmd, title=None, env=None, d=None):
     0196:    """Spawn the first supported terminal, by priority"""
     0197:    for terminal in prioritized():
     0198:        try:
 *** 0199:            spawn(terminal.name, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
     0200:            break
     0201:        except UnsupportedTerminal:
     0202:            continue
     0203:    else:
File: '/home/graute/5411_IBIS/yocto/os-poky/meta/lib/oe/terminal.py', lineno: 
214, function: spawn
     0210:        terminal = Registry.registry[name]
     0211:    except KeyError:
     0212:        raise UnsupportedTerminal(name)
 *** 0214:    pipe = terminal(sh_cmd, title, env, d)
     0215:    output = pipe.communicate()[0]
     0216:    if pipe.returncode != 0:
     0217:        raise ExecutionError(sh_cmd, pipe.returncode, output)
File: '/home/graute/5411_IBIS/yocto/os-poky/meta/lib/oe/terminal.py', lineno: 
133, function: __init__
     0130:        if not os.getenv('TMUX'):
     0131:            raise UnsupportedTerminal('tmux is not running')
 *** 0133:        if not check_tmux_pane_size('tmux'):
     0134:            raise UnsupportedTerminal('tmux pane too small')
     0136:        Terminal.__init__(self, sh_cmd, title, env, d)
File: '/home/graute/5411_IBIS/yocto/os-poky/meta/lib/oe/terminal.py', lineno: 
225, function: check_tmux_pane_size
     0221:    try:
     0222:        p = sub.Popen('%s list-panes -F 
"#{?pane_active,#{pane_height},}"' % tmux,
     0223:                shell=True,stdout=sub.PIPE,stderr=sub.PIPE)
     0224:        out, err = p.communicate()
 *** 0225:        size = int(out.strip())
     0226:    except OSError as exc:
     0227:        import errno
     0228:        if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
     0229:            return None
Exception: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

ERROR: Function failed: do_menuconfig
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: 
ERROR: Task 4 
 do_menuconfig) failed with exit code '1'

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