
I have following recipe files and want to remove xxxx.patch added to SRC_URI at 

i) xxxx_git.bb - specifies RC_URI revision by SRCREV parameter

ii) xxxx_%.bbappend - adds several xxxx.patch to SRC_URI

iii) xxxx_%.bbappend - my recipe

I want  to make it (removal) conditional to SRCREV value.

i), ii) and iii) are maintained by 3 different people, and xxxx.patch is needed 
or not needed according to the source revision.

In other words, in my iii) recipe I could say SRC_URI_remove = 
"file://xxxx.patch", but I want to make it only for specific SRCREV revisions.

Or any other way of writing my iii) recipe for this?

Thank you very much for your advice.

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