
How to select the preferred kernel in yocto,

I did in local.conf as of now,

PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-ti-staging"
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-ti-staging = "3.14\%"

I am using krogoth with meta-ti layer

bitbake core-image-minimal
Parsing recipes: 100%
Time: 00:00:26
Parsing of 1032 .bb files complete (0 cached, 1032 parsed). 1470 targets,
71 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
NOTE: preferred version 3.14\% of linux-ti-staging not available (for item
NOTE: versions of linux-ti-staging available: 3.14.49+gitAUTOINC+e9cd4cc819
4.1.18+gitAUTOINC+6b41ca0b94 4.4.41+gitAUTOINC+7c580a51af
NOTE: preferred version 3.14\% of linux-ti-staging not available (for item
NOTE: versions of linux-ti-staging available: 3.14.49+gitAUTOINC+e9cd4cc819
4.1.18+gitAUTOINC+6b41ca0b94 4.4.41+gitAUTOINC+7c580a51af
NOTE: preferred version 3.14\% of linux-ti-staging not available (for item
NOTE: versions of linux-ti-staging available: 3.14.49+gitAUTOINC+e9cd4cc819
4.1.18+gitAUTOINC+6b41ca0b94 4.4.41+gitAUTOINC+7c580a51af
NOTE: preferred version 3.14\% of linux-ti-staging not available (for item
NOTE: versions of linux-ti-staging available: 3.14.49+gitAUTOINC+e9cd4cc819
4.1.18+gitAUTOINC+6b41ca0b94 4.4.41+gitAUTOINC+7c580a51af

But I am getting the error like this, ho wto rectify.
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