
Did you try if it works out of yocto?

I use those lines to generate FitImage from a kernel tree:

source ../poky/build/tmp/environment-setup-cortexa8hf-neon-helix-linux-gnueabi
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-helix-linux-gnueabi- -j16 zImage ???.dtb ???.dtb
arm-helix-linux-gnueabi-objcopy -O binary -R .note -R .comment -S 
mkimage -f ???.its fitImage


On Tue, 2017-04-04 at 14:08 +0000, Gujulan Elango, Hari Prasath (H.) wrote:
> Hello all,
> We are using FIT image in an ARM 64 bit target based instead of separate 
> Linux binary(Image.bin)
> and DTB. We are using a copy of the kernel fit image bbclass provided by poky 
> in our custom
> machine layer to build the fit image. We observe that the bootloader is not 
> able to load the
> device tree from the RAM. We are using Yocto project 2.1 and kernel version 
> 4.9
> Additionally, we observe that the fit image size varies across builds. We are 
> observing two
> different image sizes viz 6855936 and 6855932 bytes. Of these two, the fit 
> image with size 6855932
> bytes boot properly while the image with size 6855936 doesn't boot. Most 
> often the image with
> 6855932 bytes is generated as build output. Out of 5 to 7 builds 
> (approximately), the image with
> size 6855936 bytes that causes the boot issue is generated once.
> We had modified our custom machine conf file and the kernel-fitimage.bbclass 
> provided by poky
> layer for adding fit Image support . I have attached the modified fitimage 
> bbclass file,our custom
> machine layer conf file ,its file generated and the error log during boot for 
> your reference.
> Regards,
> Hari Prasath
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