
I'm thinking about integrating the open-vm-tools recipe from openswitch[1] into openembedded (it massively improves the performance of VMWare guests) but first I have a question about licensing. The openswitch repository is Apache-licensed while the openembedded layers are all MIT licensed. I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding is that the Apache license is a superset of the MIT license (it includes a patent clause that the MIT license lacks), and therefore MIT code can be relicensed as Apache but not the other way around. If that's the case, then there's two options here:

(1) - Include this recipe in openembedded with an Apache license, while the rest of the recipes are MIT-licensed. This sounds complicated, messy, and probably not feasible.

(2) - Ask openswitch for permission to relicense that one recipe as MIT with attributions.

I'm wondering if someone with a better understanding than I have could provide me me advice about the best way to proceed.


[1]: https://github.com/open-switch/ops-build/tree/master/yocto/openswitch/meta-foss-openswitch/recipes-extended/open-vm-tools
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