On 10 April 2017 at 14:32, Markus Volk <f_...@t-online.de> wrote:

> i´m building  for x86_64 using the recent master branch and encounter
> problems when fetching deb packages.
> With any .deb file inside SRC_URI the task do_unpack stops with this
> output:
> ... data.tar.xz && tar --no-same-owner -xpf data.tar.xz && rm data.tar.xz
> failed with return value 2
> if i  retry building the same recipe for 1-5 times without any change the
> task sometime completes without errors

My immediate hunch would be that it can't find a xz binary inside the
native sysroot as it hasn't been written in there yet.  Can you provide a
minimal recipe to test?

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