Hi Oliver,

It is not not clear to me what the root cause of this could be... Is
this directory shared by several pacakages by any chance?

One trick I am using to figure out in which recipe/package a file or
directory is found is the following (from the build directory):

echo tmp*/work/*/*/*/packages-split/*/etc/folder1

This will give you all recipes and packages that might deliver the
/etc/folder1 directory...

One thing you might want to try is setting its permissions during the
post installation of the package which you can specifiy in your recipe
as follows:

pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
       chmod 775 /etc/folder1

I hope this helps, Laurent.

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 8:31 AM, Oliver Graute <oliver.gra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello List,
> I try to define a directory permission for a folder to 0775 instead of
> 0755 in my recipe. But somewhere in the install and packaging process
> this is overwritten.
> in my receipe I do this:
> do_install() {
>     install -m 0775 -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/folder1/folder2/
> I expect this on the target:
> root@box:/etc/folder1# ls -la
> drwxrwxr-x    2 root     webgrp         512 Jan  1  1970 folder2
> but I get only this permissions:
> root@box:/etc/folder1# ls -la
> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     webgrp         512 Jan  1  1970 folder2
> I also tried to define it in the fs-perms.txt file. But this didn't work
> either.
> /etc/folder1/folder2           0775    root    webgrp  false - - -
> some clue how to handle such directory permissions the yocto way?
> Best Regards,
> Oliver
> --
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