From: Jose Perez Carranza <>

Add option that allows using –create-wiki under setup option,this potion
takes date and project as a parameter and search for tests runs and
generates the wiki report data in a file.

Signed-off-by: Jose Perez Carranza <>
--- | 78 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index b438cff..0015d69 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import ConfigParser
 from external.testopia import Testopia
 from testopia_update.product import get_products, get_product_class
+from testopia_update.utils.wikimaker import create_wiki
 DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "testopia_update.config"
 DEFAULT_STORE_LOCATION = "/tmp/testopia_update"
@@ -153,6 +154,10 @@ def get_args():
         dest="clone_templates", help='clone templates from one branch to \
                                       another or same branch (only available) \
                                       with setup action', const='Y', nargs='?')
+    parser.add_argument('--create-wiki', required=False,
+        dest="create_wiki", help='create a wiki page for the final report of \
+                                      the QA test cycle  (only available \
+                                      with setup action)', const='Y', 
     parser.add_argument('--new-branch', required=False,
         dest="new_branch", help='New branch to clone the Templates')
@@ -204,34 +209,67 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
             args.product_name = 'Dummy'
             product = get_product_class(args.product_name, products)
             summary = 'TRTEMP_' +  args.project_version
             templates = product.get_test_run_list(None, summary)
             for t in templates:
                 print ("%s - %s " % (t['run_id'], t['summary']))
     if args.action == 'setup':
-        setup_opts = ['clone_templates', 'project_version','branch_name',
-                      'old_project_version', 'product_name']
+        if args.clone_templates:
+            setup_opts = ['clone_templates', 'project_version','branch_name',
+                           'old_project_version', 'product_name']
-        load_opts(args, setup_opts, opts)
+            load_opts(args, setup_opts, opts)
+            product = get_product_class(args.product_name, products)
+            test_plan = product.get_test_plan(args.branch_name)
+            temp_summary = 'TRTEMP_' +  args.old_project_version
+            temp_list = product.get_test_run_list(test_plan,temp_summary)
+            if not temp_list:
+                logger.error("%s: No templates found with %s string on %s"
+                             % (sys.argv[0], temp_summary, args.branch_name))
+            for tr in temp_list:
+                if args.new_branch and args.new_branch != args.branch_name:
+                    kwargs['new_branch'] = args.new_branch
+                    new_template = product.clone_template(tr,
+                                   **kwargs)
+          "%s: Template was created with (%d), Summary 
+                                % (sys.argv[0], new_template['run_id'],
+                                new_template['summary']))
+        elif args.create_wiki:
+            setup_opts = ['create_wiki', 'project_date', 'project_version']
+            load_opts(args, setup_opts, opts)
+            args.product_name = 'Dummy'
+            product = get_product_class(args.product_name, products)
+            summary = args.project_date + '_' + args.project_version
+            templates = product.get_test_run_list(None, summary)
+            wikivars = ''
+            wikivars_list = []
+            idx=0
+            for t in templates:
+                idx += 1
+                plan = product.get_test_plan_by_id(t['plan_id'])
+                prod = testopia.product_lookup_name_by_id(plan['product_id'])
+                env = product.get_environment_by_id(t['environment_id'])
+                env_name = env['name'].replace(' ','_')
+                var = str(idx) + '_' + str(prod['name']) + '_' + env_name
+                wikivars_list.append(var)
+                wikivars += ''.join(["{{#vardefine:", var, '|  ',
+                str(t['run_id']), '}}', '\n' ])
+            print(wikivars)
+            create_wiki(wikivars, wikivars_list)
-        product = get_product_class(args.product_name, products)
-        test_plan = product.get_test_plan(args.branch_name)
-        temp_summary = 'TRTEMP_' +  args.old_project_version
-        temp_list = product.get_test_run_list(test_plan,temp_summary)
-        if not temp_list:
-            logger.error("%s: No templates found with %s string on %s"
-                         % (sys.argv[0], temp_summary, args.branch_name))
-        for tr in temp_list:
-            if args.new_branch and args.new_branch != args.branch_name:
-               kwargs['new_branch'] = args.new_branch
-            new_template = product.clone_template(tr, args.old_project_version,
-                                              args.project_version, **kwargs)
-  "%s: Template was created with (%d), Summary (%s)"
-                        % (sys.argv[0], new_template['run_id'],
-                           new_template['summary']))

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