

I am new in Yocto, I have to admit it, please be patient with my stupid 

I built vlc on meta-fsl-arm layers and fsl-imx-x11 distro on machine 

I used commend `bitbake vlc` to build it and will get errors like bellow link.




After some googling, I try to modify my local.conf like bellow link.




And I try to build the image with this commend `bitbake –C compile 
fsl-image-gui `

Unfortunately, I will get the same error as the first link.


The first question is why it will show the error that one of 
libjpeg-turbo_8d+1.4.1.bb and jpeg_9a.bb is missing something.

The second is which one I should use and how?

The third is how can I fix this error in the proper way?


Please help


Thanks in advance

Best Regards

Victor Wang


Winmate Commuication INC.

 <tel:+886-2-8511-0288> Tel:+886-2-8511-0288 ext 878; Fax:+886-2-85110211

✉  <mailto:victor_w...@winmate.com.tw> victor_w...@winmate.com.tw


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