I am building a linux image using yocto which support deb package
manager(apt-get). I created the repo with packages and i want to authorize
this repo to my target machine. i followed these steps
<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CreateAuthenticatedRepository> for that
purpose. I created the keyFile successfully for the server (host). and when
transfer this keyFile to my target and execute apt-key add keyFile, it
promotes me the error

> /usr/bin/apt-key: line 352: comm: command not found

i use yocto pyro 17.0.1 and i built for core-image-sato plus adding the
recipe gnupg which exist in meta/recipes-support/gnupg

Why this error ? and possible ways to fix it ?

Yahia Farghaly
Graduated from Faculty of Engineering - Electronics and Communications
Department at Cairo University.
Linkedin <https://linkedin.com/in/yahiafarghaly> - GitHub
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