On 07/11/2017 13:26, Pascal Bach wrote:
Mono requires cmake to build the bundled BoringSSL library. I didn't look why 
it works in detail but I currently assume that BoringSSL is standalone enough 
that no additional
CMake toolchain settings are required to make it work.

yeah that probably is a case of bundling which is on rise at app level
these days,

One option would be to disable it with `--disable-btls` but I fear that would 
disable TLS1.2 support 
But I have no way of checking that.

interesting, do they support any other TLS implementations ?

It is disabled in 5.x builds by default as it breaks the build e.g.


It's probably time to look at a working build with it re-enabled. Patches 

(I did have a quick look at inheriting cmake but that breaks the build too)

I did some more testing. And adding "cmake-native" still doesn't build btls. I 
guess it need cmake to figure that out. But this means it was never enabled in the first 

So my proposal for the moment is to explicitly set "--disable-btls" for Mono 4 
too, this way it builds and it is clear that it is disabled.

If somebody figures out how to enable it again. I will send an updated Patch.



For now I've put a couple of commits into master which re-enable BTLS for 5.8.022 and Both of these seem to build with your cmake dependency added.

After listening to the team at #OEDEM I've been working to add basic Image Test support to core-image-mono and to get the Yocto Auto Builder going so I can automate some testing of the yocto release vs mono version vs mono features matrix

That's finally coming together at which point I'm hoping to genericise a bit more.

There are currently just three basic run time tests which previous to the image test support I've been performing manually

ref: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-mono/tree/lib/oeqa/runtime/cases/mono.py

If you have suggestions/patches for an image test for TLS (or indeed any other tests) they'll be gratefully received.

At some point I want to extend this with ptest support for running the Mono test suite on the target { qemu / real hardware etc }

ref: http://www.mono-project.com/community/contributing/test-suite/



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