On 2017年12月15日 13:55, Sherif Omran wrote:
when i do hciattach, i get initialization timeout.

This is a bug for initialization timeout:


Sometimes it works, sometimes it would not work. Still need research on it.

could it be a branch related?

Not branch related.

I am using the morty branch
meta-yocto-bsp: morty
meta-raspberrypi: morty

On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 6:30 AM, Dengke Du <dengke...@windriver.com <mailto:dengke...@windriver.com>> wrote:

    You should attach the bluez stack with the raspberry firmware bcm43xx:

        hciattact -n /dev/ttyAMA0 bcm43xx 921600 noflow -

    or if you use systemd:

        systemctl restart brcm43438.service

    Now you can see the the device:

        rfkill list all

    Enable it:

        rfkill unblock all

        hciconfig hci0 up

    Checking the bluetooth:

        hciconfig -a

    On 2017年12月15日 12:43, Sherif Omran wrote:

    i ve been strugggeling since couple of days with raspberry pi 0
    board and can not figure out how to enable the chip, whether it
    is enabled by default or it needs some intervention. I generated
    the rpi-basic-image and tested with the hiconfigure -a but the
    chip is not detected.

    Any body had similar issue and got it to solve?

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