A release candidate build for yocto-2.5_M1.rc1 is now available at:


Please begin QA on this build as soon as possible.

Build hash information: 
meta-intel : 0f266744f7d542a960a78226af35403f871ba5a6 
meta-qt4 : f313dbee2ac3d5fcc9801407947d3cb6cfb90b5d 
refkit : f24883b7d360de3eed89badce4b7fdaf7d6492c1 
meta-mingw : a2c5fb82e5595d5bb56b579b7c93147c4fb065a5 
meta-qt3 : f33b73a9563f2dfdfd0ee37b61d65d90197a456f 
meta-gplv2 : c7f97f199a6dd54d3f369f0465a6bfd2cfa739b9 
poky : b73e96e7f3f5d1ba3a221d99792a7a3c7ef42c21 

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