Hello all,

When i build the project based on yocto 2.0.2 using bitbake tool, i encountered 
one fetch error :

 "Failed to fetch URL git://github.com/GENIVI/dlt-daemon.git;protocol=https, 
attempting MIRRORS if available"

Inside the bb file, there are following descriptions for this URL:

SRC_URI = "git://github.com/GENIVI/dlt-daemon.git;protocol=https"
SRCREV = "e9a486a08fff6d3cc7133a350cec3ee10f463207"

Then i tried to fetch it manually as below, source code can be downloaded 
successfully and commit id is also correct.
myproject$git clone git://github.com/GENIVI/dlt-daemon.git

myproject/dlt-daemon$ git -c core.fsyncobjectfiles=0 branch --contains 
* master

I have no idea why such issue occurred for this URL when i use bitbake for 

Thanks for help.

Following is the detail error log:

NOTE: recipe gnome-common-native-3.14.0-r0: task do_compile: Started
NOTE: recipe gnome-common-native-3.14.0-r0: task do_compile: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 687 of 5699 (ID: 5344, 
NOTE: recipe gnome-common-native-3.14.0-r0: task do_install: Started
NOTE: recipe gnome-common-native-3.14.0-r0: task do_install: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 688 of 5699 (ID: 5345, 
NOTE: recipe gnome-common-native-3.14.0-r0: task do_populate_sysroot: Started
NOTE: recipe gnome-common-native-3.14.0-r0: task do_populate_sysroot: Succeeded
NOTE: Running task 689 of 5699 (ID: 569, 
NOTE: recipe dlt-daemon-2.15.0-r0: task do_fetch: Started
WARNING: Failed to fetch URL 
git://github.com/GENIVI/dlt-daemon.git;protocol=https, attempting MIRRORS if 
ERROR: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output:
Cloning into bare repository 
fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'

ERROR: Function failed: Fetcher failure for URL: 
'git://github.com/GENIVI/dlt-daemon.git;protocol=https'. Unable to fetch URL 
from any source.
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: 
NOTE: recipe dlt-daemon-2.15.0-r0: task do_fetch: Failed
ERROR: Task 569 
 do_fetch) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Running task 690 of 5699 (ID: 3025, 
NOTE: recipe cmake-native-3.3.1-r0: task do_fetch: Started
NOTE: recipe cmake-native-3.3.1-r0: task do_fetch: Succeeded
WARNING: Checksum failure encountered with download of 
http://www.w3.org/XML/Test/xmlts20080827.tar.gz;name=testtar - will attempt 
other sources if available
WARNING: Renaming 
NOTE: recipe libxml2-2.9.2-r0: task do_fetch: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe libxml2-native-2.9.2-r0: task do_fetch: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe glibc-initial-2.22-r0: task do_fetch: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe glibc-2.22-r0: task do_fetch: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe cairo-1.14.2-r1: task do_fetch: Succeeded
NOTE: recipe binutils-cross-x86_64-2.25.1-r0: task do_fetch: Succeeded
NOTE: Sending SIGTERM to remaining 1 tasks

SRC_URI = "git://github.com/GENIVI/dlt-daemon.git;protocol=https \
           file://0004-Modify-systemd-config-directory.patch \
           file://0005-Rework-of-initialization-cleanup-of-user-library.patch \
           file://0006-Fix-buffer-overflow-in-dlt_message_payload.patch \
file://0007-Fix-segfault-when-calling-DLT_LOG-on-an-uninitialize.patch \
           file://0008-Header-and-payload-logging-fixed.patch \
           file://0009-Enabled-mutex-priority-inheritance.patch \
           file://0010-Fix-SEGFAULT-in-write_-utf8_-string.patch \
           file://10-tmp-dlt.conf \
SRCREV = "e9a486a08fff6d3cc7133a350cec3ee10f463207"


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