Hello All,
This is the preliminary report for 2.5 M2 RC1 (while waiting for performance 
test data to be ready):  

======= Summary ========

The QA cycle for release 2.5 M2 RC1 was completed except performance test.  
Team had discovered a new bug [1] where sdk toolchain downloaded from Public 
Autobuilder failed when executing runqemu command.  

YP QA recently requested the performance host machines from linux foundation to 
replace old machines, where initial setup completed at WW06 and going through 
testing. Currently, running performance testing trial run to collect data. 
Expected data collection for regression and 2.5 M2 rc1 to be completed by 

======= QA-Hints========

Waiting performance test data to be ready, the build is stable, need to fix the 
sdk toolchain bug in order to enable runqemu.

======= Bugs ========

       New Bugs
            - 12545 [1] [2.5 M2 RC1] SDK runqemu failed with python import 

======== Links =========
    1.    https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12545 [1] 

Ee Peng 

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