ERROR: QA Issue: r4-hub rdepends on dltwrapper-dev [dev-deps]
ERROR: QA Issue: r4-hub rdepends on jsonparser-dev [dev-deps]
ERROR: QA run found fatal errors. Please consider fixing them.
ERROR: Function failed: do_package_qa
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: log.do_package_qa.21297

seems ive created a bitbake recipe, which depends on a couple of
libraries to be built, so i created the bitbake for the libs and all
appears to build fine, however seeing the failure above its basically
telling me something isnt being created during the packaging process
for the libs to be properly included in the image, they does exist a
pkgname-dev.ipkg for each of the libs but not a packagename.ipkg ...
any ideas... its kind of holding me up at this point.
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