Hello forum.

I want to customize my rootfs partition to be mounted with the
"data=journal" option enabled.

To do that I have modified my layer adding a custom mkefidisk.wks script
with this contents for the rootfs partition:

    part / --source rootfs --ondisk sda --fstype=ext4
--fsoptions="data=journal" --label platform --use-uuid --size 80000 --align

According to yocto reference manual:


The --fsoptions option specifies a free-form string of options to be used
when mounting the filesystem. This string will be copied into the
/etc/fstab file of the installed system and should be enclosed in quotes.
If not specified, the default string is "defaults".

I expected to find a /etc/fstab with "data=journal" on the mounted rootfs.
However, after mounting .ext4 image, this is the /etc/fstab content for the
rootfs partition:

    /dev/root            /                    auto       defaults
    1  1

As you can see, it doesn't contain any reference to "data=journal".

What is wrong with that?

Thanks in advance.

  -- Ivan
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