That suggests that libsrtp-staticdev wasn't built.  Use
oe-pkgdata-util to determine if it was built at all: note that for
example Poky doesn't build static libraries.

(one of many reasons that people shouldn't use poky as anything but an example)


On 25 March 2018 at 14:01, Mostafa Farzane <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to add libsrtp to my sdk. I want both static and dynamic library in
> sdk. I added "libsrtp libsrtp-staticdev" to "IMAGE_INSTALL" but getting the
> following error:
>     Collected errors:
>      * calculate_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies
> for libsrtp-staticdev:
>      *      libsrtp (= 1.5.2-r0) *
>      * opkg_solver_install: Cannot install package libsrtp-staticdev.
> --
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