On 28 March 2018 at 16:00, Raphaël TILLET <rtil...@free.fr> wrote:
> I’m using « Pyro », and have built a very simple recipe. The build program
> Inside the recipe needs « libncurses.so » at run time, so I have added to my
> recipe the following :
> DEPENDS_{PN} = « ncurses »
> RDEPENDS_${PN}= «  ncurses-libform »
> The build is ok, but my final RootFs does not contain the expected «
> libncurses.so » Library.
> The only way to force the build to include « libncurses.so » in the rootfs
> is to add « ncurses-libform » to my « IMAGE_INSTALL » in « my local.conf »
> file, and normally I should not have to do this…..

If your application links to libncurses normally then you won't need
to do RDEPENDS at all, because the dependency will be added

libncurses.so.5 is actually in ncurses-libncurses, so that is what you
should add to RDEPENDS if your application dlopen()s ncurses instead
of linking.

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