Hello Folks,

I am trying to integrate an SDK which is very simple and small. Building the 
SDK generates an executable and few .so libraries.

“bitbake sdk” command goes through fine but when I run “bitbake 
wrlinux-image-glibc-std” to generate an ISO with SDK packages I am get 
following error

/******************** Build Log ********************/

bgl-ads-4169 # bitbake wrlinux-image-glibc-std
Loading cache: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:01
Loaded 5193 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:01
Parsing of 2223 .bb files complete (2221 cached, 2 parsed). 5195 targets, 2526 
skipped, 16 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION        = "1.32.0"
BUILD_SYS         = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING   = "universal-4.8"
DISTRO            = "wrlinux-small"
MACHINE           = "intel-x86-64"
DEFAULTTUNE       = "corei7-64"
TARGET_SYS        = "x86_64-wrs-linux"
TUNE_FEATURES     = "m64 corei7"
TARGET_FPU        = ""
lib32:  DEFAULTTUNE       = "corei7-32"
lib32:  TARGET_SYS        = "i686-wrsmllib32-linux"
lib32:  TUNE_FEATURES     = "m32 corei7"
wr-base           = "HEAD:18310d224e6c2afa478900cb24457ad7f39dc365"
wr-fixes          = "HEAD:b07a1d75c651fa4c267d18694fcd9d54973b320e"
wrlinux           = "HEAD:4e91be83f02898b9a6186d07e4da451606f2df3b"
intel-x86         = "HEAD:6ef28fd1ecd25b0ec2f574dc61d624012c59d123"
meta              = "HEAD:17450ac189cfdb0df281c63cfaf9fb7622f3861b"
meta-webserver    = "HEAD:3d657a42e37a8fd653d6c76220d85fb0f8c07fd4"
wr-template       = "HEAD:4ca39f39de1a649e0fc9cffa1f048803f609fdb4"
meta-xfce         = "HEAD:3d657a42e37a8fd653d6c76220d85fb0f8c07fd4"
wr-kernel         = "HEAD:c9d11b7c7e24d97120adcacb0f5c55cede0dc996"
meta-filesystems  = "HEAD:3d657a42e37a8fd653d6c76220d85fb0f8c07fd4"
meta-realtime     = "HEAD:02733b143bdfe02175db723a582913acf3d53ebd"
meta-virtualization = "HEAD:c6c681749238a97c1148625330dbc694629f0525"
wr-base-dl        = "HEAD:029c9b02e776787cb1ce84cb61e4957414a4e229"
oe-core-dl-2.2    = "HEAD:03ac056beaad1949983e74a34b3cd3c676465720"
meta-initramfs-dl-2.2 = "HEAD:1347989107c2f97644b18d862f850fd4dc0e104e"
meta-python-dl-2.2 = "HEAD:92e1f001d07e66b6b612d26910b72185ce2b5430"
meta-networking-dl-2.2 = "HEAD:724dbc0d839c258e7feb96a506c1aaeae4ed94d0"
meta-oe-dl-2.2    = "HEAD:06d007644151f6e099b9b4e9368299e5ac73a5f1"
meta-perl-dl-2.2  = "HEAD:4d65c8cf72a198d849104cd3f213b6f3777f7431"
meta-webserver-dl-2.2 = "HEAD:ec10bc34d57bd4f8f1a8ff4d6fff993d45c754a0"
meta-xfce-dl-2.2  = "HEAD:b5c398839240694a6dc86ae5872f1d5fa39df8a8"
wr-kernel-dl      = "HEAD:a8298e914bbcc0a09feb6287d1e5ed200be49d89"
meta-gnome-dl-2.2 = "HEAD:86e40dcfb44212cfeed26cae972edd24c1c99324"
meta-filesystems-dl-2.2 = "HEAD:ffa26ce28c1a1ddd181aedc6dbc95c2b539f35a4"
meta-realtime-dl-2.2 = "HEAD:edb1581f9a8b3f5e5f0f3b775bf173095ecaa9f3"
meta-virtualization-dl-2.2 = "HEAD:710a214c83b65744a3980d97411a1b421ec28ffa"
meta-minimal-docker = "master:caadc243217c9d9859966437c488f3e43662dc2d"

Initialising tasks: 100% 
 Time: 0:00:11
NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks
NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks
ERROR: wrlinux-image-glibc-std-1.0-r5 do_rootfs: Unable to install packages. 
 install -y packagegroup-wr-core-python@corei7_64 rtl8723bs-bt@corei7_64 
irqbalance@corei7_64 smartpm@corei7_64 dhcp-server@corei7_64 
dosfstools@corei7_64 kernel-modules@intel_x86_64 eee-acpi-scripts@corei7_64 
packagegroup-wr-core-db@corei7_64 lmsensors@corei7_64 sdk@corei7_64 
packagegroup-wr-boot@intel_x86_64 rtl8723bs@corei7_64 hostapd@corei7_64 
pm-utils@corei7_64 packagegroup-wr-base-discrete-tools@corei7_64 
packagegroup-wr-core-sys-util@corei7_64 packagegroup-wr-core-net@corei7_64 
dhcp-server-config@corei7_64 wpa-supplicant@corei7_64 alsa-utils@corei7_64 
packagegroup-base-extended@intel_x86_64 grub-efi@corei7_64 
lmsensors-sensors@corei7_64 powertop@corei7_64 
packagegroup-wr-core-mail@corei7_64 wireless-tools@corei7_64 
packagegroup-wr-core-interactive@corei7_64 microcode-ctl@corei7_64 
docker@corei7_64 hostap-utils@corei7_64 packagegroup-wr-base-net@corei7_64 
rpm@corei7_64 nfs-utils-client@corei7_64 packagegroup-wr-core-perl@corei7_64 
packagegroup-wr-base@corei7_64 i2c-tools@corei7_64 
packagegroup-wr-core-util@corei7_64' returned 1:
Loading cache...
Updating cache...               ######################################## [100%]

Computing transaction...error: Can't install 
sdk-1.0+git0+88e8856d25-r0@corei7_64: no package provides libmvudrv.so()(64bit)

ERROR: wrlinux-image-glibc-std-1.0-r5 do_rootfs: Function failed: do_rootfs
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: 
ERROR: Task 
 failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 4789 tasks of which 4788 didn't need to be rerun 
and 1 failed.

Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.

/******************** SDK recipe ********************/

# Recipe created by recipetool
# This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be 
fully functional.
# (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.)


SRC_URI = "git://bitbucket.xyz.com/bitbucket/scm/gac/sdk.git;protocol=https"

# Modify these as desired
PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}"
SRCREV = "88e8856d25a5cc1f57ca9364c074926ac4e3de2e"

S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

# NOTE: the following library dependencies are unknown, ignoring: common mvudrv 
mvos log cpss eth
#       (this is based on recipes that have previously been built and packaged)
# NOTE: some of these dependencies may be optional, check the Makefile and/or 
upstream documentation
#DEPENDS = "pciutils"

# NOTE: this is a Makefile-only piece of software, so we cannot generate much 
of the
# recipe automatically - you will need to examine the Makefile yourself and 
# that the appropriate arguments are passed in.

do_configure () {
                # Specify any needed configure commands here

do_compile () {
                # You will almost certainly need to add additional arguments 

do_install () {
                # NOTE: unable to determine what to put here - there is a 
Makefile but no
                # target named "install", so you will need to define this 

    mkdir -p ${D}/${bindir}
    mkdir -p ${D}/${libdir}

                install -m 0755 ${S}/lib/libcommon.so 
    ln -sf libcommon.so.1.0.1 ${D}/${libdir}/libcommon.so

                install -m 0755 ${S}/lib/libcpss.so 
    ln -sf libcpss.so.1.0.1 ${D}/${libdir}/libcpss.so

                install -m 0755 ${S}/lib/libeth.so 
    ln -sf libeth.so.1.0.1 ${D}/${libdir}/libeth.so

                install -m 0755 ${S}/lib/liblog.so 
    ln -sf liblog.so.1.0.1 ${D}/${libdir}/liblog.so

                install -m 0755 ${S}/lib/libmvos.so 
    ln -sf libmvos.so.1.0.1 ${D}/${libdir}/libmvos.so

                install -m 0755 ${S}/lib/libmvudrv.so 
    ln -sf libmvudrv.so.1.0.1 ${D}/${libdir}/libmvudrv.so

    install -m 0755 ${S}/sample/sample ${D}/${bindir}/sample

/******************** SDK recipe ********************/

Below are the RPM content which shows install has gone through fine…

bgl-ads-4169:315> rpm -qlp sdk-1.0+git0+88e8856d25-r0.corei7_64.rpm
warning: sdk-1.0+git0+88e8856d25-r0.corei7_64.rpm: Header V4 DSA/SHA1 
Signature, key ID 4b02f59c: NOKEY

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