On 04/27/2018 02:19 AM, Oliver Graute wrote:
> On 26/04/18, Zoran Stojsavljevic wrote:
>>> I deleted all the build-imx6ulevk folder and build everything from
>>> scratch with only one thread, waited a few hours for compilation and now
>>> its working ;)
>> Still, I am struggling to understand why??? What is the requirement
>> behind this ask?
> The requirement was just get our older yocto (jethro) build running on a
> PC of a different developer. Often developers have their own flavor of
> Ubuntu releases and they update to newer versions while they still
> develop on yocto releases which is much older. Because that yocto
> release is currently in the field by our costumer. Our product cycle is
> not so fast to use the newest yocto releases. We started to develop when
> jethro was up to date.
> We compiled single threaded just because his PC is a bit unstable on
> high load. And it crashed a few times on parallel makes. I know that
> this is not ideal for yocto development.

Take a look at BIOS settings. I had a board that was overclocking based
on CPU temperature, which failed miserably when you actually used all
the cores. Disable such settings.


>> As we see, it is much longer (one thread only) than on 14.04!?
> its takes much longer then with settings
> PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j 4"
>> Could you, please, do it on Ubuntu 17.04, or 17.10 (i bet, you
>> can't)??? And why, after all???
> currently not im using only Ubuntu LTS Releases.
> Perhaps I will try 18.04  LTS which released yesterday ;)
> Best regards,
> Oliver
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