Ok that's already fixed. I could manage it executing this in host machine
after building the image:

    $ bitbake package-index

2018-05-10 16:01 GMT+02:00 Iván Castell <icast...@nayarsystems.com>:

> Once the image was build and cloned into the target device, this error
> appears when trying to update dnf database from target device:
>     $ dnf clean all
>     $ dnf update
>     DNF version: 2.7.5
>     cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
>     repo oe-remote-repo: 0x6235C65BD7C1F0D8 already imported
>     Cannot download 'https://storage.googleapis.com/my_repo': GPG
> verification is enabled, but GPG signature repomd.xml.asc is not available:
> Status code: 403 for https://storage.googleapis.com/my_repo/repodata/
>     Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'oe-remote-repo', disabling.
> The "repodata" directory does not appear inside the package feed
> directory. I managed to generate that "repodata" directory executing this
> commands in my host machine:
>     $ bitbake createrepo-c-native -caddto_recipe_sysroot
>     $ oe-run-native createrepo-c-native createrepo_c
> /home/yocto/yocto/build/tmp/deploy/rpm
> After that, "repodata" directory appears in the package feed and
> "repomd.xml" file is inside available, but "repomd.xml.asc" is still not
> found.
> Do I am missing something?
> Thank you in advance!
> 2018-05-09 13:44 GMT+02:00 Iván Castell <icast...@nayarsystems.com>:
>> Thank you very much for your explanation Mr. Alexander, it was really
>> helpfull to understand my issue.
>> I fixed it removing completely my dnf bbappend recipe from my custom
>> layer and adding this variable to my distro.conf file:
>>     PACKAGE_FEED_URIS = "https://storage.googleapis.com/my_repo/";
>> After that, at the end of the build process the image contains a valid
>> /etc/yum.d/oe-remote-repo file and all the necesary stuff to manage it.
>> There is no need to copy "ca-certificates.crt" manually at all.
>> Now its working as expected! :-)
>> 2018-05-09 8:56 GMT+02:00 Alexander Kanavin <
>> alexander.kana...@linux.intel.com>:
>>> On 05/09/2018 09:29 AM, Iván Castell wrote:
>>>> But I am not fetching nor installing packages over the network during
>>>> image creation. I just build an image using local recipes (standard
>>>> procedure). One of those local recipes sets up a remote repository for rpm
>>>> packages (adding /etc/yum.repos.d/yocto-adv-rpm.repo to the final
>>>> image). The purpose of that remote repository is using it to update rpm
>>>> packages on target devices when they are running in production.
>>>> In fact, I don't understand why yocto needs to synchronize that cache
>>>> for 'yocto-adv-rpm' repo during build time. It doesn't have any sense for
>>>> me. But the fact is that when the ca-certificates.crt is properly
>>>> installed, the build process ends fine. If that file is not properly
>>>> installed, the build process fails with the error reported in my previous
>>>> message.
>>> During image creation dnf is run several times, and it picks up its own
>>> configuration from the target rootfs. It is definitely not recommended to
>>> change that configuration behind dnf's back via installed recipes.
>>> The supported way to configure remote repositories is via
>>> https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/dev-manual/dev-manu
>>> al.html#using-runtime-package-management
>>> Alex
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