
In my current project we have a simplified version in a ”component.bbclass”.
It relies on a variable COMPONENT_DIR defined in our local.conf.

A recipe located in ”recipe-xxxx/<package>/<package>_$PV.bb” doing

inherit component

will find its source code in $COMPONENT_DIR/<package>, making the recipe 
simpler than that of the externalsrc bbclass. No need for SRC_URI statements.

We check out meta layers and the components using repo so the components are 
always located in $COMPONENTS_DIR.

Been thinking of upstreaming this, but I am unsure about the interest.

Best Regards,
Ulf Samuelsson

> 6 juli 2018 kl. 17:27 skrev Tim Hammer <tdhamme...@gmail.com>:
>> On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 11:20 AM, Simon Chamlian <simon.chaml...@mpbc.ca> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to keep the source code of a package to be able to modify it 
>> and then compile?
>> For example, with LTIB ( Linux Target Image Builder ), it was possible with 
>> a command to extract the source code from a package, make modifications and 
>> then re-compile?
> I suggest you take a look at the devtool:
>      https://www.yoctoproject.org/software-item/devtool/
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/TipsAndTricks/Patching_the_source_for_a_recipe
>> Thanks,
>> S
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