On 07/12/2018 02:34 AM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
Hi Konrad

On Wednesday, 11 July 2018 7:03:28 PM CEST Konrad Scherer wrote:
I have attached a patch to reduce the layerindex-web image size further.
Docker image layers are like git objects and RUN commands can only hide
files, not remove them once they have been committed. The pip upgrade
caused the following 'pip install' to fail and was removed.

Right, overall you don't save any storage space with separate stages - but the
downside of merging these is that you lose the ability to incrementally update
the container within those stages; any time anything before changes the whole
block will need to be re-run. Having said that we still have the separation
between requirements.txt and everything else which is probably sufficient.

Oddly I did not see a failure from pip when I built this yesterday, but I
guess it's probably not strictly necessary to upgrade it anyway.

I've pushed your patch to the paule/dockerfixes branch.

Thanks, I just noticed that the image doesn't contain git. Was this deliberate or an oversight?

I recommend docker-compose because much of the information in
docker/README can be captured in a compose yaml file. It handles the
network setup and makes managing shared volumes much simpler.

Right, we'd just need to make sure everything we now have in the README is
covered by the compose file (everything that's practical to cover, anyway).

I am heading out on vacation soon. I will rework my docker-compose configuration with the new image and make some documentation when I get back.

Konrad Scherer, MTS, Linux Products Group, Wind River
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