On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 01:21:18PM +0000, Amol Lad wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to build two initramfs images when building core-image-minimal. First 
> initramfs gets bundled with kernel and available after build. This is all 
> good.
> Now, how to include second initramfs image also in core-image-minimal? It 
> will be standalone initramfs image i.e. it won't be bundled with kernel. If I 
> specify this recipe in local.conf in CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL or 
> IMAGE_INSTALL_append then I get below error:
> "Task do_populate_sdk in core-image-minimal.bb rdepends upon non-existent 
> task do_package_write_rpm in second-initramfs-image.bb"
> I can build second-initramfs-image.bb with command "bitbake 
> second-initramfs-image" but I want this to get build automatically when I 
> build core-image-minimal. Please advise

What is your end goal for first-initramfs and second-initramfs?  Are you
trying to have first-initramfs be the bundled initramfs for the system
and the second one be the initrd that's the main rootfs?  Something

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