Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M3. - This is feature freeze for YP 2.6!

Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018

SWAT Team Rotation:

·         SWAT lead is currently: Amanda

·         SWAT team rotation: Amanda -> Tracy on Sept. 14, 2018

·         SWAT team rotation: Tracy-> Armin on Sept. 21, 2018


Key Status/Updates:

·         We’re now into M3 feature freeze so new feature patches, particularly 
for unplanned changes will be much less likely to be merged until 2.7 now.

·         M3 has not been built yet. The main remaining missing feature is the 
multilib allarch change, most other things have now merged.

·         We’re aware of problems with openssl 1.1 in python 3.5 and are 
looking into ways of addressing this problem.

·         There were a number of recipe upgrades that merged slightly later 
than normal, the feeling being it was better to be up to date in this case, 
including some key components like busybox which contained security fixes.

·         Fixes for various build warnings merged. This included kernel config 
warnings, universe build warnings and sstate manifest warnings. Bugs have been 
filed for the remaining build warnings the autobuilder is showing and aiming 
for warning free builds looks realistic for 2.6 final release.

·         A bug was found in bitbake’s runqueue code which was leading to 
missing build artefacts in very rare circumstances (missing single sstate 
objects in complex dependency chains). The result was an sstate manifest 
warning and image postinstalls being deferred to on-target.

·         Various improvements to python were made to mitigate the performance 
issues seen by the introduction of profile guided optimisation (thanks Ross!)

·         There were problems found with busybox-syslog having installation 
order issues and changes were made to the packagegroups to mitigate the 
postinstall errors which were impacting automated testing.

·         The sstate hash equivalency code is still pending review and 
resolution of the filehandle upon fork issues.

·         We plan to build M3 on the new autobuilder codebase and 
infrastructure (based upon buildbot ‘nine’) and decommission the older buildbot 
‘eight’ codebase ASAP. There is a display issue on the autobuilder to do with 
build object properties not refreshing, its cosmetic only, is cleared by 
refreshing the browser and we’re working with upstream to track down the issue.

Planned Releases for YP 2.6:

·         YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018

·         YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018

·         YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018

·         YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018

Planned upcoming dot releases:

·         YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.

·         YP 2.5.2 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.4.4 is done.

Tracking Metrics:

·         WDD 2580 (last week 2582) 

·         Poky Patch Metrics

o    Total patches found: 1646 (last week 1643)

o    Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 736 (45%) [last week 736 (45%)]

Key Status Links for YP:

The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this 
weekly status update, let us know!]


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
•    Cell:                (208) 244-4460
• Email:                   

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