On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 4:41 PM idealsim <ideal...@laposte.net> wrote:

> Hi i'm trying to build an image for a raspberry-pi 3 on branch sumo but i
> have an error when i try to include rpi-config. See the issue under :
> ERROR: Task do_populate_sdk in
> /media/xxx/data/raspberry/yocto/yocto_official/poky-sumo/meta-xxx/recipes-xxxx/images/
> console-image-xxxx.bb
> rdepends upon non-existent task do_package_write_rpm in
> /media/xxx/data/raspberry/yocto/yocto_official/poky-sumo/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-bsp/bootfiles/
> rpi-config_git.bb
> ERROR: Command execution failed: 1

Is your image installing rpi-config?
Andrei Gherzan
yocto mailing list

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