On Mon, 17 Sep 2018 at 08:13, Peter Bergin <pe...@berginkonsult.se> wrote:
> I'm pretty sure I have narrowed down the root cause to the restriction
> of virtual memory and that liblzma base its memory calculations on
> physical RAM.
> To prove this I added a printout in rpm-native/rpmio/rpmio.c and the
> function lzopen_internal.
>          uint64_t memory_usage = lzma_stream_encoder_mt_memusage(&mt_options);
>         rpmlog(RPMLOG_NOTICE, "DBG: memory_usage %lu\n", memory_usage);
> The value of memory_usage is the same regardless of which 'ulimit -v'
> value I set. On the host with 256GB of physical RAM and 32GB of virtual
> memory, memory_usage is ~5.1GB. On another host with 16GB of physical
> RAM I get memory_usage of ~660MB.
> I guess you have not seen this kind of failure if you not have
> restricted virutal memory on your host. If you want to try to reproduce
> this set 'ulimit -v 8388608' (8GB) in your shell and then 'bitbake
> glibc-locale -c package_write_rpm -f'.

Wouldn't a solution be to change lzma to look at free memory, not
total physical memory?

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