Hi, rookie here. I'm trying to enable SSL for RabbitMQ Server 3.2.4 on pyro.

Without modifying the build, I simply created /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config
with the following entries:




    {listener, [{port,     15671},

                {ip,       ""},

                {ssl,      true},

                {ssl_opts, [{cacertfile, "/etc/rabbitmq/root-ca.pem"},

                            {certfile,   "/etc/rabbitmq/dev.pem"},

                            {keyfile,    "/etc/rabbitmq/dev-np.key"}]}]}



and placed the cacertfile, certfile, and keyfile at /etc/rabbitmq/

RabbitMQ Server fails to start at boot.
shows the following error:

=ERROR REPORT==== 17-Sep-2018::20:13:16 ===
** Generic server rabbit_web_dispatch_registry terminating
** Last message in was {add,rabbit_mgmt,

                           {[],"RabbitMQ Management"}}
** When Server state == undefined
** Reason for termination ==
** {could_not_start_listener,
           {{case_clause,{error,{"no such file or




After googling around, I'm going down the path of trying to build Erlang
with SSL support. Please stop me if this isn't the proper approach!

I clearly see in
a line that says:

EXTRA_OECONF = '--without-ssl'

To alter this statement, I wrote an erlang-native_R16B03-1.bbappend in my
meta-layer and tried the following entries:


DEPENDS += "ncurses-native openssl"
EXTRA_OECONF = '--with-ssl=/usr/bin/openssl'

This fails to build with the following error:

configure: error: Invalid path to option --with-ssl=PATH

configure: error: /bin/bash
failed for erts


DEPENDS += "ncurses-native openssl"
EXTRA_OECONF = '--with-ssl'

Builds successfully but products the same error as above in


DEPENDS += "ncurses-native openssl"
EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-ssl=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}${layout_exec_prefix}"

Builds successfully but products the same error as above
in /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbitmq@{hostname}.log

DEPENDS += "ncurses-native openssl"
EXTRA_OECONF =  "--with-ssl use SSL"

Builds successfully but products the same error as above
in /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbitmq@{hostname}.log

Detailed help is greatly appreciated. Seems like I'm missing something

Best Regards,
Phillip Warren
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