On Tue, 2018-12-04 at 10:28 -0600, John Unland wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> I've been playing around with the icecc.bbclass and a small 2 node
> icecream cluster. At the moment I'm able to compile core-image-
> minimal using Rocko however when building on Thud I get a error (See
> Github gist for error and local.conf config):
> https://gist.github.com/junland/d932bd63ca2c871b99e64eda543ca2fe

Fixed on master:
They should probably be backported to thud.
> My build OS is Ubuntu 18.04 (Workstation) and CentOS 7 (Second build
> server), also I've gotten the same error on a Debian 9 and Oracle
> Linux VM so I highly doubt it's something that has todo with the OS.
> I'd also like to add what the workflow I'm using:
> (As regular user)
> 1. $> git clone -b thud git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky.git
> 2. $> source oe-init-build-env
> 3. (Edit local.conf and place "PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j 10"" and "INHERIT
> += "icecc"" at the end of the config file)
> 4. $> source oe-init-build-env
> 5. $> bitbake core-image-minimal
> Is there something I'm missing here? I've read the section of the
> manual that explains on how to use icecream but it hasn't really
> solved my problem. Any help would be great!
> Thanks!
Joshua Watt <jpewhac...@gmail.com>
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