Hello everyone,
I am trying to use pseudo due to I need to set my entire rootfs. I would like
to ask you some questions about how to use it, considering that it does not
seem to work. I am going to explain the process I have followed:
I enabled PSEUDO_DISABLED and PSEUDO_PREFIX at meta/conf/bitbake.conf:
export PSEUDO_DISABLED = "0"
export PSEUDO_PREFIX = "${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${prefix_native}"
Also, FILESYSTEM_PERMS_TABLE variable is pointing to my custom
fs-perms-cle.txt. It is declared at build/conf/local.conf. During the building
process, I receive constantly these kind of warning messages about "host
WARNING: libgcc-7.3.0-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: libgcc: /libgcc-
is owned by uid 1002, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may
be due to host contamination [host-user-contaminated]
When it has finished, I check my rootfs or packages' image folder and
permissions are always set exactly equal as the user running bitbake. What is
going on? Have I missed something? Why my fs-perms.txt is ignored? I debugged
package.bbclass and parameters are parsed OK...
I have also tried to declare LD_PRELOAD variable, pointing directly to my host
libpseudo.so, but the result is the same:
LD_PRELOAD = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux/pseudo/libpseudo.so"
LD_PREFIX = "/usr/"
Should I call fakeroot somewhere in the middle of the process?
It looks like an easy process, reading Yocto's manual but I think I have
forgotten something... I hope someone has had the same failure.
Thank you!
Best Regards,
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