On Tue, 8 Jan 2019 at 22:10, Edmund Nadolski
<edmund.nadol...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> I'm thinking of a full build separated into say 3 sequential steps, A, B, and 
> C, with each step being some series of bitbake tasks.   The idea is run all 
> the tasks in step A and then regain control so I can run some additional 
> tools/transforms on artifacts (eg signing) produced in that step.  Then, 
> resume bitbake from step B, and after that completes then again regain 
> control and run some additional transforms.  Finally resume bitbake from step 
> C and let that run to completion as well.
> I wasn't sure whether the bitbake has that sort of "pause and resume" 
> capability, tho perhaps the addtask in the right places is one way to effect 
> a similar result?
> (Apologies, this is probably a lame/awkward description on my part)

Don't do that.  Bitbake will have no knowledge of your intermediate
out-of-band changes.  Just write tasks that call the signing tools as
part of the build.

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