On 2019-03-06 10:23, Richard Purdie wrote:
On Tue, 2019-03-05 at 18:28 -0800, Kaz Kylheku (poky) wrote:
How do we get Yocto to react to FILES changes, short of blowing away
the entire build tree?

Maybe related to this change:


Actually, the problem was that I had an accidental local change applied
to the .json manifest file; that's where the "${libdir}/python2.7/encodings" was
being deleted.

So, the issues are now is that

FILES_${PN}_remove = "${libdir}/python2.7/encodings"

in fact does not work, as I believed. It doesn't register at all. If I run "bitbake -e", to find the places that influence the value of $FILES, this _remove assignment doesn't appear anywhere. In fact, the name of my .bbpappend file doesn't even appear anywhere in that listing.

If I change it to just FILES_remove = ... then it does show up in "bitbake -e" (early, before all the base recipe manipulations of $FILES). It doesn't work; the encodings do not disappear:

     $FILES [527 operations]
    #   set /mnt/sdb4/kaz/proj/poky/meta/conf/bitbake.conf:288
    #     ""
    #   set /mnt/sdb4/kaz/proj/poky/meta/conf/documentation.conf:169
# [doc] "The list of directories or files that are placed in packages." # _remove /mnt/sdb4/kaz/proj/meta-custom/common/recipes-devtools/python/python_%.bbappend:15
    #     "${libdir}/python2.7/encodings"

    [ big snip ]

# override[python-core]:append python_2.7.15.bb:220 [__anon_238__mnt_sdb4_kaz_y25_wp76_poky_meta_recipes_devtools_python_python_2_7_15_bb]
    #     " ${libdir}/python2.7/encodings"

I think this override might be winning over the _remove or something. The output never shows the final, settled value of FILES. At the bottom of this section about the $FILES variable we just have:

    # pre-expansion value:
    #   ""

which is uninformative; obviously there is a populated FILES because the package has files in it.

Should I just add some install append steps to "rm -f" the unwanted material and be done with it?

I feel there should be a sane way to customize the FILES variable (and any other) emanating from a base recipe, though.

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