Dependencies on other file system types for custom file system type

I'd like to add a custom fs type - a squashfs-xz on an ubi (instead of ubifs).
For this purpose I created a new class, inherited image_types and added
a dependency on squashfs-xz and also on squashfs-tools-native and

inherit image_types

IMAGE_TYPEDEP_squashfs-xz-ubi = "squashfs-xz"

do_image_squashfs-xz-ubi[depends] += "mtd-utils-native:do_populate_sysroot"
do_image_squashfs-xz-ubi[depends] += "squashfs-tools-native:do_populate_sysroot"

(full class file is attached to this mail)

But the dependency handling is not working corrently in my solution:

1. If I modify the class file inheriting image_types only (and nothing
else in the rootfs),
   the squashfs-xz is not created and thus not found.
   As a workaround, I have to call ${IMAGE_CMD_squashfs-xz} manually.

2. A symlink to the squashfs-xz image file in tmp/deploy/images/.../
   is created, no matter, if I add it to IMAGE_FSTYPES or not.
  (In comparison, if I remove ubifs, the symlink to the ubifs image
  is not created (but the ubifs image is created anyway))

    So do I need to change the way how I handle dependencies to squashfs-xz?

Thank you,


Attachment: squashfs-xz-ubi.bbclass
Description: Binary data

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