On 5/7/19 7:43 AM, Richard Purdie wrote:
> Current Dev Position: YP 2.8 M1
> Next Deadline: YP 2.8 Milestone 1 Target May ??, 2019
> SWAT Team Rotation:
>  *
>     SWAT lead is currently: Anuj
>  *
>     SWAT team rotation: Anuj -> Ross on May. 10, 2019
>  *
>     SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Amanda on May. 17, 2019
>  *
>     https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Build_Failure_Swat_Team
> Next Team Meetings:
>  *
>     YP 2.8 Planning meeting Tuesday May 7th at 8am PDT
>     (https://zoom.us/j/990892712) <https://zoom.us/j/990892712>
>  *
>     Bug Triage meeting Thursday May 9th at 7:30am PDT
>     (https://zoom.us/j/454367603)
> Key Status/Updates:
>  *
>     Stephen is going to be unavailable for several weeks, please refer
>     any queries to Richard
>  *
>     YP 2.7 was released
>  *
>     The 2.8 planning discussions are starting and there is a google
>     doc summarising the discussions so far:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CNEKA4d0eT6-e0hnS2pwi7xdZ5_t6smpZO2HbaJGXbU/
> If people are planning to work on specific things in 2.8 please let us
> know so we can incorporate this into our plans. If you’re interested
> in working on anything in the document, please also let us know or
> talk with us in one of the planning meetings.
>  *
>     At this point we believe we’ve made our final release for the sumo
>     (2.5) series
Sumo is moving to community support status, wiki updated.

>  *
>     The project is planning to adopt SPDX license headers in its
>     source code where practical, bitbake has had these merged as a
>     first step.
>  *
>     We have a new “newcomer” bug category which are bugs suited to
>     someone new to the project. These can be seen here:
>     https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Bug_Triage#Newcomer_Bugs
> Planned Releases for YP 2.8:
>  *
>     TBA
> Planned upcoming dot releases:
>  *
>     YP 2.6.3 (Thud) is in planning
>  *
>     YP 2.7.1 (Warrior) is in planning
> Tracking Metrics:
>  *
>     WDD 2602 (last week
>     2593)(https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/charts/combo.html)
>  *
>     Poky Patch Metrics  
>      o
>         Total patches found: 1558 (last week 1565)
>      o
>         Patches in the Pending State: 655 (42%) [last week 655 (42%)]
> Key Status Links for YP:
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_Project_v2.7_Status
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_2.7_Schedule
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Yocto_2.7_Features
> The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Weekly_Status
> [If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on
> this weekly status update, let us know!]

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