On 5/15/19 8:28 PM, Davis Roman wrote:

I upgraded to Sumo(2.5) and now bitbake is complaining that nothing
rprovides python3-signal.

ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'python3-signal' (but
RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)

this is not provided by python3-core at runtime so your RDEPENDS should change from python3-signal to python3-core

After some searching I found that this is related to the restructuring
of python3 packaging in Sumo

So according to the instructions in the above commit, I'm supposed to
first create a manifest file using:

$ bitbake python -c create_manifest

and then the json file appears to get created:


After a quick inspection of the created python3-manifest.json, I see
that signal.py already appears on the list.

     "core": {
         "cached": [
         "files": [
         "rdepends": [],
         "summary": "Python interpreter and core modules"

Assuming that nothing else needs to be done, I then proceed to again
bitbake my application but unfortunately the original error persists.

What am I missing?

Thank you,

Davis Roman

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