I'm building for a RPi3B using the Qt supplied boot2qt framework on SUMO.
I've added udev-extraconf to pull in automount.rules.

When I plug in a USB thumb drive I get /dev/SDA & /dev/SDA1. I also get 
/tmp/.automount-sda1 with the time of insertion. I also get /run/media/sda1, 
and the /var/log/messages file has a message that 'Auto-mount of 
[/run/media/sda1] successful', but the output of the 'mount' program does not 
show the thumb drive mounted, nothing in the output at /run/media/sda1' and the 
directory is empty despite the thumb drives that I have tried having files on 

Anyone have any experience with the automounter?

Greg Wilson-Lindberg  
yocto mailing list

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