Current Dev Position: YP 2.8 M2

Next Deadline: YP 2.8 Milestone 2 Cutoff July 14th, 2019


SWAT Team Rotation:

*       SWAT lead is currently: Amanda
*       SWAT team rotation: Amanda ->  Anuj on July 19, 2019
*       SWAT team rotation: Anuj -> Paul on July 26, 2019
*        <>


Next Team Meetings:

*       Bug Triage meeting Thursday July 18th at 7:30am PDT (
*       Monthly Project Meeting Tuesday August 6th at 8am PDT (
*       Twitch - Next event is Tuesday August 13th at 8am PDT (


Key Status/Updates:

*       2.7.1 is cleared for release and will be announced shortly
*       2.6.3 has two remaining issues before it can be built
*       We have a new "newcomer" bug category which are bugs suited to
someone new to the project. These can be seen here:
*       General patch backlog and merging is running back to normal
*       Our numbers of patches in the metadata has been slowly decreasing
and I wanted to mention how much we appreciate anyone doing cleanup of
old/stale data. Over time it is making a significant difference!
*       There are ongoing discussions on a few key topics which are
summarised here for convenience. Please contribute if you have an interest
in these areas:

*       Running the testsuites for glibc/binutils/gcc
*       Moving lsb to its own layer
*       Removing poky-lsb in favour of some configuration fragments
*       Reproducibility
*       Minimising python2 dependencies
*       Configuration of init systems

*       Bitbake changes which change the way runqueue works quite radically
have merged. If people see errors with setscene or normal task execution
people do report them.
*       Runqueue change to optimise sstate usage/sharing in multiconfig
builds merged. Please report if its not working where you'd expect it to.


Planned Releases for YP 2.8:

*       M2 Cutoff 14th July
*       M2 Release 26th July
*       M3 Cutoff (Feature Freeze) 25th Aug
*       M3 Release 6th Sept
*       M4 Cutoff 30th Sept
*       2.8 (M4) Final Release 25th Oct


Planned upcoming dot releases:

*       YP 2.7.1 (Warrior) is ready for release.
*       YP 2.6.3 (Thud) is intended for build after 2.7.1 is complete and
before 2.8 M2


Tracking Metrics:

*       WDD 2498 (last week 2496) (
*       Poky Patch Metrics  

*       Total patches found: 1502 (last week 1506)
*       Patches in the Pending State: 630 (42%) [last week 634 (42%)]


Key Status Links for YP:





The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:


[If anyone has suggestions for other information you'd like to see on this
weekly status update, let us know!]




Stephen K. Jolley

Yocto Project Project Manager

*    Cell:                (208) 244-4460

* Email:    


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