Minutes: Yocto Project Technical Team Meeting
When: Tuesday, August 09, 2019 8:00 AM-9:00 AM 1.
Attending: Richard, Armin, Michael, David, TrevorW, Tim, Vineela, Stephen, 
Randy, Joshua, Alex Kanavin, Jan-Simon, TrevorG, Ross, Alejandro, Tracy

* Stephen: General notes
  - M2 in final review
  - M3 making good progress
  - 2.6.3 QA, release next day
  - The 2.8 will become 3.0

* Richard: General notes

  - Hash Equivalency/runqueue merged this morning. The UI progress output a 
little different, may be confusing. Joshua: is this on autobuilder? Richard: 
not yet.

  - Spent a lot of time on runqueue. Trying to keep up with pseudo changes.

  - There is still a locale issue, not fixed. Probably easy once we figure it 

* David: will Hash Equivalency/runqueue affect the documentation? Richard: no, 
it should be all be in the background. However, the UI progress output was 
setscene with a normal progress progression and then the real tasks would 
start. Now, as hash equivalencies are discovered, "setscene done" messages 
appear, which can happen several times over the processing. The progress bars 
are thus not as linear as before, but Richard want to leave it verbose so that 
any issues can be debugged before tuning the messages down.

* Armin: back from vacation, back on stable releases. Richard handled the 
stable releases in the meantime.

* Richard: 3 defects from QA from M2. Marked as blocking for M3.

* Question: plan for Rust? Randy: there has been interest over time, he will 
make and share a plan (probably in August).

* Xilinx: how to manage "meta-jupyter"? Richard: best as separate repo/layer 
rather than trying to merge it into core. Notes that some people complain about 
too many layers, but this is more a tools issue, and separate layers in general 
allow more focused maintainer-ship and growth.

* Xilinx: What about npm, devtool support? Richard: no good solution yet, no 
tests in autobuilder. Current bitbake model is one recipe per package, but npm 
is organized to have 1000+ 'packages' which is impractical for each to have a 
recipe. There was some devtool support, but may not be current.

Randy: automation can help with npm package management, but does not want npm 
manager on target.

Richard: difficult to give up control to outside manager like npm. Alejandro: 
npm starts to download its own toolchain, and we lose reproducibility. Npm for 
YP did have changes to reduce that outside behavior, not sure current state,  
concerned that Rust will have similar problem (Tim: as does Go).

Tim: Node is in core, but not tests. Issus around npm dependencies.

Alejandro: Python update cadence per release, but node changes much faster. 
Richard: use the snapshot model, where we capture logical and stable package 
sets, especially for Python and here npm. Joshua: image containers for node.js? 
Richard: that just moves the goal post, the snapshot captures "our part".

FYI: See "node.js" presentation with devtool from DevDay 2017: 

* Question: Twitch stream? Richard: conflicts with this meeting. Presentations 
are captured to YouTube, where they are getting additional views. These 
presentations focus more on new developers.

* Vineela: will release number change (3.0) affect the Poky release number? 
Richard: no, and he is not sure what uses that number anymore.

* Richard: thanks to David for supporting the meeting minutes in Stephen's 

- David

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