On 8/22/19 6:09 PM, Brad Bishop wrote:
> at 6:38 PM, James Feist <james.fe...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
>> On 8/22/19 3:35 PM, Jae Hyun Yoo wrote:
>>> Hi brad,
>> + The mailing list
>>> We met a build break while making Intel platform builds.
>>> ERROR: No recipes available for:
>>> /home/yoojae/workspace/openbmc/meta-security/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-stable_5.2.bbappend
>>> It was added by the subtree update patch but there is no main recipe
>>> for it. Did we miss something?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jae
> Hi Jae
> linux-stable is in meta-odroid:
> https://lists.yoctoproject.org/pipermail/yocto/2019-August/046424.html
> It isn’t clear to me if meta-security is supposed to have a hard
> dependency on meta-odroid or not.
It should not. The is bad behavior and I wanted to avoid such an issue.
meta-security is a s/w layer and should be BSP neutral.  I did not
achieve that.
> Hi Armin
> Could you suggest what the right thing to do here might be?
Yeah, i believe the recipe in meta-security should be linux-%.* . My
testing unfortunately kept the meta-odroid layer included so its a false
positive. Not my intent . I know the qemu machines should build clean
with any changes in that layer.

I am testing changes now to correct his issue.

- armin
> thx!
> brad

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