
On 10/2/19 3:20 PM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
> Hi folks
> So it's that time again - we need to start building up the raw material for 
> the release notes and migration guide for the upcoming 3.0 release, and I'd 
> like to request some help with some parts of it - read on for details.
> For the migration guide we have a wiki page serving as a staging area:

Thanks for putting this together.

> Things that should go in the migration guide: *anything* in the release that 
> would require someone who is upgrading to take some form of action (i.e. 
> change their configuration / recipes / etc.) Help with this from people who 
> implemented the changes or have already thought about / dealt with their 
> impact would be much appreciated.
> There is a process where I look through all the commits since the last 
> release 
> and pull out the ones that need to be mentioned in some form - other than the 
> migration guide items, the following needs to be gathered for the release 
> notes:
> 1) Features - new functionality. We need to capture what the feature is and 
> hopefully express the impact to the user succinctly.
We remove LSB support.

> 2) Recipe upgrades - straightforward
> 3) CVE fixes - fairly straightforward, I just look for commits that 
> explicitly 
> mention "CVE". If I can easily do so I'll also note where a recipe upgrade 
> fixes a CVE, but that isn't often readily available information.
So how can the community help in this case? Better commit messages?

> 4) Known issues - generally this is difficult to get from the commits since 
> we 
> either find out about them after the commit that introduced the issue, or we 
> don't know that they aren't addressed until right at the end of the release. 
> We don't want to note *all* open bugs, but if there's something that the user 
> is likely to hit that wasn't an issue in the previous release then we should 
> note it.

Well, aren't open defects not fixed by the time we release time but we
intend on fixing after release a form of known issues ?

- armin

> For the release notes I need help with #4 and #1 in particular, so if you 
> know 
> about anything in this release that falls into these categories then let me 
> know - just a pointer to the commit and any extra comments that you would 
> want 
> to make would be helpful. In the mean time I will start the process of 
> looking 
> through the commits and will add things to the migration guide page, but bear 
> in mind I don't always have all of the context for every change.
> Thanks!
> Paul

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