
I have recipe that compiles kernel module. It works fine ie. the
module ends up to image.

I also have few configuration files that I'd like to add with the
package. Earlier version (I'm currently using thud-branch) that was
done by adding this line to recipe:

FILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/udev/*"

Then when image - recipe I had
IMAGE_INSTALL += "<recipe-name>"  all would be installed to image.

Now the sysconfdir files ends up to recipe-name - package and module
itself ends up to kernel-module-<recipe-name> - package and although
I"m installing <recipe-name>  - package the one with module ends up to
image and the <recipe-name> - package is not.

I know that when inheriting module.class it'll rename the package to
kernel-module-${PN} yet you use the recipe name for installing the
package.  I tried adding the files to kernel-module-${PN} - package
instead, but didn't work.

What's the proper way adding extra files to kernel-module-package or
is it not recommended and I should use separate package instead?

-Teemu Keskinarkaus
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