On 10/14/19 5:08 PM, Paul Eggleton wrote:
> Hi Mark
> On Tuesday, 15 October 2019 10:21:29 AM NZDT Mark Hatle wrote:
>> I added the zeus branch on the layers.openembedded.org today and it's not
>> showing up and being indexed.  Any idea why?
> The bitbake branch wasn't correctly specified - it needed to be set to "1.44" 
> (grabbed from https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Releases if you don't have 
> it 
> in your head - I didn't ;).

Great so it's my fault.. much easier to fix then an infrastructure issue.

>> On my own personal layer index I did it and it worked fine.  So it may be
>> something related to the configuration.
> I guess it worked in your case because (based on your patch of the other day) 
> you're picking bitbake out of a repo where zeus is a valid branch.

Yup, exactly.. it -happened- to work.. :)

> FYI on layers.openembedded.org you also need to select the Python environment 
> for the branch - python3 in this case. 
> I've made both of these changes so it should index correctly the next time 
> around.

Ahh I thought python3 was now the default, and python2 was for the older
systems.  I read it backwards.. I'll try to remember in 6 months.  :)

(Part of the reason I included the mailing list here.)


> Cheers
> Paul
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