Thanks for all the help so far, I have a working recipe which installs the whole
toolchain to /usr/bin and uses that from another recipe :)

> On Thu, 2019-10-24 at 08:55 +0000, Richard Purdie wrote:
> You can probably do that by extending SYSROOT_DIRS in the recipe.

I'm still having issues here: I've tried to extend SYSROOOT_DIRS and even used a
path relative to the existing entrys (so I don't get caught by some hidden
extension mechanism), but my files still don't end up in the sysroot.
I've also tried both, SYSROOOT_DIRS and SYSROOT_DIRS_NATIVE, with the same 

A (hopefully) last tip would be appreciated to make a nice recipe from a 
working one.

SYSROOOT_DIRS += "${bindir}/../opt"

do_install() {
    # old and working to install to /usr/bin/
    # install -d ${D}${bindir}${GCC_ARM_NONE_EXTRA_PATH}
    # cp -r ${S}/* ${D}${bindir}${GCC_ARM_NONE_EXTRA_PATH}
    # new, but no files in the sysroots of recipes using the toolchain
    install -d ${D}${bindir}/../opt${GCC_ARM_NONE_EXTRA_PATH}
    cp -r ${S}/* ${D}${bindir}/../opt${GCC_ARM_NONE_EXTRA_PATH}

Best regards, Olli
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