Hi Berthold,

Welcome to the Yocto Project.

This line is the problem with your recipe:


This tells the build system to only create one package, the default
package. Because this line FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}" tells the build system
to include everything in ${bindir} into that package the package also
includes the .debug directory which is then flagged by the QA checker. To
fix this:

PACKAGES = "${PN}-dbg ${PN}"

You have to specify the debug package before the default package as the
variable is processed from left to right and whatever is consumed by a
package will not be packaged anymore. However, even simpler is to remove
the PACKAGES line altogether as the default already does it correctly.

Best regards,

On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 12:04 PM Berthold Höllmann <
berthold-yocto@höllmanns.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying my way around yocto. I thought I try adding a small project
> of mine to a Raspberry Pi image as a first try in writing recipes. At
> least I managed to get the project compiling, but the generation of the
> packages is failing:
> $ bitbake  qtlissajous
> ...
> ERROR: qtlissajous-git-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: non debug package
> contains .debug directory: qtlissajous path
> /work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-poky-linux-gnueabi/qtlissajous/git-r0/packages-split/qtlissajous/usr/bin/.debug/lissajous_explorer
> [debug-files]
> ERROR: qtlissajous-git-r0 do_package_qa: QA run found fatal errors. Please
> consider fixing them.
> ERROR: qtlissajous-git-r0 do_package_qa:
> ERROR: qtlissajous-git-r0 do_package_qa: Function failed: do_package_qa
> ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
> /home/build/shared/rpi/rpi2-build/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-poky-linux-gnueabi/qtlissajous/git-r0/temp/log.do_package_qa.4823
> ERROR: Task
> (/home/build/shared/rpi/meta-qtlissajous/recipes-qtlissajous/qtlissajous/qtlissajous_git.bb:do_package_qa)
> failed with exit code '1'
> ...
> $ (cd
> /home/build/shared/rpi/rpi2-build/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-poky-linux-gnueabi/qtlissajous/git-r0/packages-split/;find
> -type f)
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/build/moc_doubleslider.cpp
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/build/moc_phaselabel.cpp
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/doubleslider.cpp
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/doubleslider.h
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/lissajous_explorer.cpp
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/lissajous_explorer.h
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/lissajous_grid.cpp
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/lissajous_grid.h
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/main.cpp
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/phaselabel.cpp
> ./qtlissajous-src/usr/src/debug/qtlissajous/git-r0/git/phaselabel.h
> ./qtlissajous-tools/usr/bin/lissajous_explorer
> ./qtlissajous/usr/bin/.debug/lissajous_explorer
> ./qtlissajous-tools.shlibdeps
> My qtlissajous_git.gg file is:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> DESCRIPTION = "Explore Lissajous figures for Raspberry Pi"
> SECTION = "games"
> DEPENDS += "qtbase"
> PACKAGES = "${PN}"
> "file://LICENSE;md5=7e26fc87b2c255632232dc535ed2700b;sha256=c8ea5a5ce0ef734ec1d0be3e214bed71673f1ffc628fe86bbd055d61abd52cc8"
> FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}-${PV}:"
> SRC_URI = "git://gitlab.com/bhoel/qlissajousexplorer.git;protocol=https"
> S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
> require recipes-qt/qt5/qt5.inc
> FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}"
> FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${bindir}/.debug"
> do_install() {
>       install -d ${D}/usr/bin
>       install -m 0755 lissajous_explorer ${D}/usr/bin
> }
> RDEPENDS_${PN} = "qtbase-plugins"
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Why is the release executable ending up in the tools tree?
> Why is the debug executable ending up in the release tree?
> Is this the right place to ask this kind of questions?
> Thank you
> Berthold
> --
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