Dear Mr. Gulzaman,
Are you an User at the Domain Controller of your Company...? My mind, your 
corporate using Windows Server... And You want to Add aUsefull Files Inside of 
your Corporate Group? I think, you must to contact your IT System Administrator 
to CREATE and DEFINE GROUP for accesible your files...

But, if that is your Job Rule as IT System Administrator ( I saw from your 
position as a System Engineer ). So... I need your information about your 
Server System then I'll give you the solution...

Best Regards,


From: Dani Apri <>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 4:05:34 PM
Subject: Re: [YF] [HELP] i want to add some files

waspadalah sebelum membuka file dari orang ini..ati ati..cek dulu file nya..

----- Original Message -----
From: "rose_desertpk" <rose_desertpk@>
To: yogyafree-perjuanga n...@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 3:40:09 PM GMT +07:00 Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
Subject: [YF] [HELP] i want to add some files

I wana add some file in group for other users plz allow me to to that. 

this is usefull for all other users. 


System Engineer 

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