akhirnya ada juga games yg vga high class buat linux.
izin sedot ya mas

--- On Wed, 8/19/09, Prog Tel <progtel2...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Prog Tel <progtel2...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [YF] [SHARE] Live DVD Linux with Super Games
To: yogyafree-perjuangan@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 11:11 PM


Dear All Yogyafree Lover,
Berikut ini saya sharing Link untuk Download ISO Live DVD Linux yang sudah di 
bundle dengan berbagai Super Games. Khususnya buat rekan-rekan yang Maniak 
Games dan rekan-rekan pengelola Warnet Games Online. Banyak diantara kita yang 
masih menganggap Linux gak bisa buat games kelas tinggi.

Live DVD Single Layer dan Live DVD Dual Layer ini sudah disediakan dalam 
berbagai versi yang bisa langsung dipakai untuk standart PC, untuk Laptop, 
untuk PC dgn VGA high class ( VGA NVIDIA & ATI ), dll. Games-nya pun sudah 
bundle Quake Wars, UT2004, Quake 4, Doom 3, Postal 2, E.T, SauerBraten, Torcs, 
dll. Silahkan sedot dan mencobanya, tentunya akan lbh memperluas wawasan Linux 

http://supergamer. org

http://www.enemyter ritory.com

http://www.planetwo lfenstein. com/enemyterrito ry

http://www.unrealto urnament3. com/us/index. html

http://sauerbraten. org




                                          Currently the SuperGamer LiveDVD is 
available at On-Disk and
                                           is also available through bit 
torrent. A SuperGamer Disk purchased from On-Disk will arrive sooner than the 
torrent download.
The Supreme SuperGamer is the World's First Dual Layer LiveDVD!!!

                                         The SuperGamer SuperPackage is the 
best option that covers almost everything and can only be purchased from 

The SuperGamer is the NEWEST LiveDVD for a BLANKET Coverage of all NVIDIA and 
ATI video cards.

The SuperGamer-VL2 BASE is the LiveDVD for a BLANKET Coverage of all video 
The SuperGamer-VL2 MID-LAPTOP is the LiveDVD for Laptops as well as more 
focused on MID-RANGED video cards.

 The SuperGamer-VL
                                            was the first release using a new 
code base.

 The SuperGamer2
                                          was the the update to the original 
SuperGamer based upon PCLinuxOS.
would like to take this time to give appreciation and "THANKS" to all
testers, suggestions, and encouragement. A special Thanks to the
VectorLinux Developing Team for their assistance. We would also like to
thank all of those who keep their seeds going...
Remember that the SuperGamer is a HUGE DVD sized file. 
                                         PLEASE, continue to seed as much as 
possible, after you complete your download

To check on the status of the torrent, please use the Tracker Stats








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