Nah, mas, tu kan kalo bikin video tutorial....Sekarang gimana cara
download video tutorial  yang dibikin pake tuh video capture (biasanya kan 
dipasang di web-web marketer tu)?Coz kemaren dah googling cari cara download 
video ginian lom ketemu-ketemu,trus pake cara:
-file type di IDM ditambah .flv, .swf, 
-numpang convert video di web orang (pake url video) 
masih lom sukses juga.
Mohon petunjuk dan pencerahannya,
Terima Kasih.

--- On Mon, 9/14/09, Prog Tel <> wrote:

From: Prog Tel <>
Subject: Re: [YF] [JAWAB] Software buat video tutorial [1 Attachment]
Date: Monday, September 14, 2009, 10:27 PM


        [Attachment(s) from Prog Tel included below]

            Ada banyak software untuk Screen Video Capture...

http://www.phazeddl .com/search/ screen%20video% 20capture. p1.htm

http://www.phazeddl .com/search/ video%20capture. p1.htm

http://www.4shared. com/file/ 132707869/ 7bc9e402/ I_Screen_ Recorder_ 

Tapi saya rasa lebih simple pake Infallsoft Screen Video Capture, saya sering 
bikin Video Capture untuk Tutorial atau untuk Materi Seminar dan hasilnya cukup 
memuaskan. Silahkan dicoba dech kemudahannya. ..

http://www.4shared. com/file/ 23383126/ 5cf1a494/ Infallsoft_ Screen_Video_ 
Capture_v177. html

http://www.4shared. com/file/ 132705637/ 4191d8c1/ Infallsoft_ Screen_Capture_ 
Standard_ v190.html

http://www.4shared. com/file/ 132705633/ 46fc1cd8/ Infallsoft_ Screen_Recorder_ 


Infallsoft Screen Capture including full screen capture, region capture, 

window capture, scroll capture, directx capture, video screen capture,
sound capture and etc. It allows you to capture anything on the screen
including windows, objects, full screen, rectangle regions,
freehand-selected regions and scrolling windows/web pages. It has
innovative features such as a floating Capture Panel, hotkeys,
resizing, cropping, text annotation, printing, e-mailing, screen
magnifier and many more. t will easily and fastest capture for your
immediate use. "



From: Jhon Lee <jhon_lee212@ uk>
To: yogyafree-perjuanga n...@yahoogroups. com
Cc: progtel2004@
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 8:25:53 AM
Subject: [YF] [Tanya] Software buat video tutorial


                  Dear all,

mau tanya, software apa yang dipakai untuk buat tutorial video, yang bisa 
merekam aktivitas di PC untuk di jadikan tutorial....











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