download turbonya aja sob, di tools-turbo
dan bisa juga pake WLW(Windows Live Writer) seperti yang dikatakan rekan di 
bawah ini
atau juga upgrade webhostingnya tapi sebelumnya cek dulu dengan ping website 
anda (di CMD ketikkan Ping jika ternyata ada packet loss 
atau ditemukan RTO(request time out) maka bisa upgrade hosting atau pindah ke 
lain hosting

follow me on twitter ya 

==> <==

--- Pada Jum, 12/3/10, paidjo milis <> menulis:

Dari: paidjo milis <>
Judul: Re: [YF] [JAWAB] Akses ke wordpress sering down
Tanggal: Jumat, 12 Maret, 2010, 8:00 AM

upgrade bandwidth az om

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Gerard <> wrote:
> Coba pakai Windows Live Writer
> Windows Live Writer makes it easy to share your photos and videos on almost 
> any blog service. With Writer, you can preview everything you’re adding to 
> your blog, and see exactly how the fonts, spacing, colors, and images will 
> look, before you publish. It's fast and easy to make photos and videos look 
> great on your blog. You can even create a photo album—just select the style 
> you want and Writer takes care of the rest. Writer is already packed with 
> useful features, but if you like to tinker, there are all sorts of plug-ins 
> you can add to help you do even more.
> ________________________________
> Dari: ^XmoenseN^ <>
> Kepada:
> Terkirim: Rab, 10 Maret, 2010 21:30:48
> Judul: [YF] [TANYA] Akses ke wordpress sering down
> dear all..
> setiap melakukan akses ke blog wordpress sering down. atau kerena jaringan 
> lelet, tapi ngk juga akses ke yg lain lancar. bikin jarang update blog. ada 
> solusinya ngk.
> ________________________________
> Nikmati chatting lebih sering di blog dan situs web
> Gunakan Wizard Pembuat Pingbox Online

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