Great discussion here, I'm pretty sure that it isn't the purpose of the
list, but i think it`s important to discuss organization methods. Like said
below, we're so busy most of the time dealing with what is given to us (a
third of the time, or whatever) and also actually DOING stuff, that we don't
take the time to step back and think outside of the box on what's really
needed to sort the mess of our lives.

I, for one, am still searching for my ultimate system, and have, in the
past, written drafts/specs of an ideal organization software. Those drafts
are availiable at:

My most recent post (the only recent post, that is) offers a good abstract
of what i'm searching for. If anyone is interested enough, please take a
look on it. As time goes, i plan to detail it further.



On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Luis Roca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Keith
> I'm not getting a sense that your sincerely happy for me. Maybe I'm just
> a little insecure. I don't know but this is neither the time or the
> place for that discussion. : )
> Scott responded to this but since you directed it at me it's only fair
> that I give you an answer. I N-E-V-E-R said I use or would suggest to
> use Yojimbo as a total GTD tool. There is NO total GTD tool, not
> OmniFocus, not Things, not kGTD, not Entourage, etc. You're right
> Yojimbo is part of my system (the archive). That's all any piece of
> software can hope to be, a part of a complete system. This is
> repeated throughout the book beginning in the preface.
> There are people on this list that use Yojimbo as their primary process
> and review tool within their daily GTDing. I'm honestly not sure how
> effective it can be over a long period of time but I'd love to hear more
> about it.
> > Everything else ends up in the *correct* folder.
> >
> > There is such a thing as the *correct* folder  as there are such
> > things as objective hierarchies -- ones which capture real
> > relationships between things. You can think of genus-species
> > groupings in biology, or project-file groupings in your work. Where
> > such groupings exist, a hierarchical file structure has real value,
> > but they take some thinking about to be stable/valuable-- which is
> > why the profession of 'librarian' exists for one.
> Carlton,
> You make excellent points and I find it interesting that you're using
> Yojimbo as an inbox where you go back to identify/process the
> information at a later date. It's much different than how I use it and
> seems like a solid system. You hit at the initial point that I was
> trying to make which was the importance of the initial identification
> process of a digital asset.
> I do have to respectfully disagree with the idea of a *correct* folder.
> I'm not saying it doesn't exist or can't be part of a larger
> organizational system. I just think this method can easily (and often
> does) break down when a second user is introduced to the system.
> Everyone on this list has probably had the uncomfortable sensation of
> starting a new job and being welcomed with a new folder structure to
> learn. Your'e at the mercy of whoever decided on the file and folder
> naming structure (Who may not even be with the company anymore).
> Tags,notes/comments, saved searches, etc. offer a solution that tech
> savy librarians and information architects have been promoting recently.
>    (*See : "Ambient Findability" by Peter Morville and
>        "Keeping Found Things Found" by William Jones)
> Anyone and everyone can name an item without stepping on your coworker
> or boss' toes. You name an item in a meaningful way to you, and others
> get to do the same. A new employee can find a file in a shorter period
> of time and without having to shamefully ask her cubicle mate when
> searching for file 03.5248-Financials.doc that's buried in a seven level
> folder structure on the external corporate database.
> I've read that the average professional spends a third of their week
> looking for information that they have previously encountered! So as
> well as folders have worked for some people, more fluid systems need to
> be put in place for the rest of us.
> I've helped turn this into exactly what I didn't want
> - The Continuing Saga of Nested Folders -
> It ends here!
> : ) Luis
> --
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